Monday, October 12, 2009


So, I'm having this pain in my side that turns out to be gall bladder, liver, gastrointestinal related.
The Doctor says that we can always remove the Gall bladder if it gets worse and by the way it may explode. The surgery isn't as complicated as an appendectomy. So I am wondering. Why do we have all these extra parts? These extra parts that can go bad an d kill us?
If you've never had a gall bladder flare up, it will make curl up in a ball and doubt the existence of God and the rationality of Natural Selection.
Not in the usual, "Why do men have nipples?" funny fooling around questioning that all those '80's comics loved to dwell on. This is a breach birth in during the hiking trip kind of doubt.
If there is a God, why would he lay these traps?
If Natural selection is at work, why hasn't this crap been bred out of us?
The Nurse I talked with said it was the American Diet that is killing us all off. But if you think about it, we've always had the American Diet. Remember the Mammoth feasts? Did Og eat too much of the fatty trunk meat and collapse in a sweaty heap cursing the Lake God for all he was worth? I know Og did not go out and find a nice big salad.
So, I think it was some Alien Frankenstein who has done this to us. Some Sadistic, big eyed Grey Bastard with a scalpel and a twisted sense of humor.
It also explains the seem down there.

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