Monday, June 1, 2009

So I've lost about 15 pounds and I feel great. Apparently doing good things for yourself actually is good for you. I shit you not.
I've narrowed it down to eating better, drinking less or all the swimming. I swim every night at a buddies pool.
I really can't tell you how much I love to swim. When I was a kid I would swim in anything. Pool, lake, farm pond. Give me 15 minutes and I was swimming in it. Shortly after college I won $100 American Dollars by swimming across a retention pond behind some apartments a friend lived in. I did not realize it at first but it caught the run off from three big parking lots and funnelled it under ground and away. I knew it wasn't deep and not very wide.
My Girlfriend and his Girlfriend woke up he neighborhood screaming at three in the morning. My buddy was too busy laughing to understand that I was very close to being sucked underground and away. I was swimming for my life dreading that the Police line "Caught between the Scylla and Carib dis" was stuck in my head and would be the last thing I heard. Well I finally got my feet under me and survived.
It took a week to get my money.

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