Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year.

Howdy, it's day 4 of 2009 and it's going pretty good. I still haven't made my resolutions but I've got an outline. Lose weight, stop drinking before church, you know that kind of thing.
My big one is to stop watching as much TV. I'm trying to find a good number of hours per day. My thinking is a per day or per week plan.
Of course I'm going to clean the house more.
Then I'm going to dive more and get out of debt. Not the house debt but the credit card debt. Last year I made 65 dives. This year I'm going to shoot for 100 and get my rescue certification. These goals are seemingly mutually exclusive but I've navigated around paradoxes before.
Who knows I might win the lottery or find a long lost rich Uncle or Aunt.

1 comment:

Heather said...

If you get your rescue cert. and rescue the right person, maybe they'll give you a fat reward. It could happen.